The ADHD Paradox a short story

5 min readJun 21, 2021


“Ugggh, “ I say, as I’m getting out of bed, disoriented and exhausted. While I stumble around trying to get my footing, I begin thinking about the idea I had last night. It’s because of this idea that I only got three hours of sleep. You see I have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or what’s better known as ADHD, and if you know someone with ADHD, once they have an idea there isn’t anything stopping them from chasing it down. The only problems are the late and sleepless nights, only to later just drop the idea and let it drift away to never be seen again. I’ve struggled with this among other symptoms for my entire life. They’ve gotten me fired, ruined my finances, destroyed relationships, and caused me to fall into such a pit of despair and depression I never thought I’d make it out. But we’ll get more into that later, when I inevitably fall back into the pit.

As I stumble down the stairs to make a cup of coffee, and gather all my meds for the day my phone starts buzzing. Who the fuck is calling me this early?……”Oh shit,” I say out loud. It’s nearly 9am, I immediately rush down to my basement and log-in. Phew, no ones noticed I wasn’t here. Once I realize crisis everted I head back upstairs to start the coffee, and take my meds. While walking up the stairs I have a great idea. I need to tell someone right now, I can’t miss the opportunity and then later forget about it.

“I was dreamingggg!,” said Dani in a muffled disoriented voice. Dani is my amazing wife, who is some how able to tolerate all the “ideas” I throw at her. But right now isn’t the time, she’s just woken up and isn’t going to be very receptive. “I’m Sorry, “ I say, “I’ll let you go back to sleep…,” But I can’t contain myself I feel like the words are about to burst out of my mouth like a swarm of bee’s flying out of a hive you just smacked with a baseball bat. I begin word vomiting, until I realize, I’ve forgotten the point I was trying to make.

It’s then I realize I’ve wasted another half hour of my day, and still haven’t had my morning coffee or taken my medication. I head back downstairs to try and finally start my day. While grinding the beans I get a text from a buddy. Once seeing one of the dankest of the dank memes I begin to giggle and immediately open reddit. After scrolling for a few minutes…Well at least what I thought was a few minutes I get a meeting reminder on my phone. “Fucking fuck, I let myself get distracted again.” I say out loud. It’s now 10:30am and I have my team daily stand-up call. I rush downstairs and join the meeting immediately so I’m not late. While sitting there listening to people talk about absolutely nothing that is of any importance to me I drift off in thought.

I’m President of the United States, and I’m watching the news in the White House when some dude starts dragging me through the the mud for using Cannabis. I’m furious at this point, why the fuck do people have an issue with Cannabis use? It’s helped me a ton with my anxiety. I then do a national address saying “Look this dude here is just being a lil bitch. Why say this about me now? It’s because I won’t allow them too….”, “Squirrel, where are we at on this project, “ asks my PM. “Sorry I was distracted, can you repeat what you just said please?” I ask. I should have known even uttering the word distracted would be a mistake. I begin to start getting shots fired from all sides. “Haha, and that’s why we call you Squirrel”, “You need to try a little harder to pay more attention”, “Don’t blame this on you having ADHD”. It’s a never ending onslaught of for me; insults. But as usual me being me I laugh it off and give my update, which was all complete bullshit because I haven’t done a god damn thing today.

“FUUUCK,” I scream internally. “Way to make a guy feel like complete fucking garbage” I mumble to myself. I look at the clock and realize it’s now 11:30am and still no coffee, meds, food, or water. “Well I guess it’s time for lunch, “ I say out loud to myself. But I can’t stop thinking about that day dream I had. I wonder if something like that would ever happen, or if I could potentially become a politician one day. I start doing some research on the requirements, and work needed to attain something like that. After awhile I glance at the clock… 12:30. I think to myself “Another hour wasted I guess,”. I wander up the stairs to stretch my legs and get a bite to eat. “Were you going to make coffee this morning, “ Dani Asks. “Oh, yeah I was but I got distracted, can you hit the brew button for me please?” I ask. Dani starts brewing the coffee for me and I go to the fridge to get food.

Once I’m back downstairs I start working on my project, about five minutes in I get a notification on my phone about Bitcoin. I stop what I’m doing to read it. I then log into my portfolio to see if I can retire yet. Once there I see one of the shitcoins I’ve been holding is on a rally. I start looking to see if there is any news, or reason why, then spend time sending Diamond Hands, and HODL memes to my Crypto Club bragging about the bags I’m holding.

“Fuck it’s 2:30!?” I say as I catch a glance at the clock.

I run upstairs, chug the coffee I forgot about, take my ADHD, anti Anxiety, and Anti-Depressants meds. As I sit down I think to myself “What’s the point it’s almost three now, and I log off at four”. I freeze, and stair at my computer screens for the next hour in destress. I think “Where’s the day gone!? I haven’t done anything, I’m useless, and exactly what everyone says I am”.

Once my Anxiety pill kicks in I calm down. I then think to myself “Well I guess we’ll do this again tomorrow.”




Oh Hi! I write stuff about my struggles with ADHD and procrastinating, and what ever really comes to mind at the time.